Your Ultimate Guide To Getting The Body You've Always Wanted
Life Changing Secrets Used By Athletes, Bodybuilders & Professional Trainers
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Welcome and congratulations on taking this course!
You have taken the first step in changing your eating habits which is imperative to achieving any health goal.
We will going over some of the most prominent diets that are being followed today and showing you the pro's and con's of each of them.
Once you are familiar with these, we will then be covering the strategies that you can implement to ensure that you are successful no matter which diet you choose to follow.
Once you master the lessons in this course, you are going to feel confident that your dietary habits are completely in your control which will give you the power to succeed no matter what your health goal might be.
Your Instructor

Isiah Manzo's story starts with thirteen steps...the steps leading up to his home in Tucson, AZ. When he was twenty-five he began his career as a Litigation Consultant which, while extremely rewarding, led to a sedentary lifestyle that was slowly killing him without his knowledge. It wasn't until one day, he attempted to traverse the thirteen steps to get to his home while holding his first born son and found himself so out of breathe, he had to pause before entering that he realized something had gone horribly wrong and if he wanted to live to see his sons 18th birthday, something needed to drastiacly change.
It as that time he began scouring the internet and self help books for the information he needed to begin changing his health, after years of searching and researching he had come no closer to his goal mainly because everything he found was either full of fluff or contradicted itself.
Failed by the mainy theories touted by self-help gurus and fitness "experts", he decided to simplify his approach drastically and build upon the very few points that seemed to be agreed upon unanimously across the board:
- Drinking Adequate Amounts of Water
- Maintaining The Right Amount of Macros (Protein, Carbohydrates & Fats)
- Exercise Five Days a Week (Strength Training "Heavy Weights / Low Repetitions)
- Time Management Strategies (Using Google Calendar To Pre-plan His Day)
- Taking Control Of Your Thoughts: (Meditation, Affirmations, Daily Prayer)
After a year of doing this consistently, the results were beyond belief. Not only had his health improved, but his energy levels had skyrocketed and he was even able to keep up with his son while playing (no easy feat seeing how he is five at the time this was written) and his ability to handle stress vastly improved.
It was this aha! moment that made it all clear and birthed the slogan of Health To The Max "Living Healthy Simplified" because living healthy is not complicated, and anyone trying to make it so is not doing anyone any favors.
Isiah created as a blog to share some of the ideas that helped him with his own transformation and was blessed to be able to reach thousands of people just with this alone. Emboldened by the success of the website, he decided that one of the best ways to increase his ability to help others is to start creating online courses, which birthed Health To The Max University!